The annual ZNA-symposium “a kettle of colours…“ (*by analogy with the
former DDR TV-show) took place on the 15th March 2015 in the hospital
of Frankfurt (Oder). Together with the rescue service team Frankfurt
(Oder) and the head physician Dr. Wilke, MEYTEC introduced the new
‘Teleambulance’ platform. Utilizing a conventional emergency vehicle
equipped with telemedicine. The focus is video communication between a
remote hospital and the emergency vehicle by using 4G-technology.
MEYTEC offers specific data rates without internet speed reduction on
the basis of the 4G-network from Deutsche Telekom.
To demonstrate the possible functionality of the platform, a live video
connection between the emergency vehicle showing a pseudo-patient and a
clinician at the medical center was established. The emergency vehicle
has a built-in blood diagnostics machine for analysis of 18 blood
parameters. After the measurement procedure the data can be transferred
via telemedicine connection to the central emergency ward (CEW) of the
hospital. The managing director of MEYTEC, Mr. Steffen Meyer explained
more details about the functionality of the ‘Teleambulance’. Outling
that the deployment of the special emergency vehicle, equipped with
telemedicine, is a high-quality telemedical first, allowing remote
doctors to examine and diagnose patients on board, before ensuring the
patient is transferred to the nearest appropriate hospital emergency
department. Furthermore in advance of the patient’s arrival, the
hospital team can receive up to date information about their medical
former DDR TV-show) took place on the 15th March 2015 in the hospital
of Frankfurt (Oder). Together with the rescue service team Frankfurt
(Oder) and the head physician Dr. Wilke, MEYTEC introduced the new
‘Teleambulance’ platform. Utilizing a conventional emergency vehicle
equipped with telemedicine. The focus is video communication between a
remote hospital and the emergency vehicle by using 4G-technology.
MEYTEC offers specific data rates without internet speed reduction on
the basis of the 4G-network from Deutsche Telekom.
To demonstrate the possible functionality of the platform, a live video
connection between the emergency vehicle showing a pseudo-patient and a
clinician at the medical center was established. The emergency vehicle
has a built-in blood diagnostics machine for analysis of 18 blood
parameters. After the measurement procedure the data can be transferred
via telemedicine connection to the central emergency ward (CEW) of the
hospital. The managing director of MEYTEC, Mr. Steffen Meyer explained
more details about the functionality of the ‘Teleambulance’. Outling
that the deployment of the special emergency vehicle, equipped with
telemedicine, is a high-quality telemedical first, allowing remote
doctors to examine and diagnose patients on board, before ensuring the
patient is transferred to the nearest appropriate hospital emergency
department. Furthermore in advance of the patient’s arrival, the
hospital team can receive up to date information about their medical